Minggu, 14 April 2013

Vignette for Android

Vignette for Android

Vignette for Android is simple and effective photo editing in a light app. Great piece of software. Many options, great presets, highly customizable. Very happy with pictures and options.

More than 70 customisable filters and 50 frames in any combination to create many photo effects. Vignette is also a full-featured camera application, featuring digital zoom, time-lapse, self-timer and more.

Some filter examples:
Toy Camera
Toy Camera
Top, left to right - Original photo, Toy camera and Toy camera BW.

Bottom, left to right - Leaky, Cross-process and Redscale.

Colour Highlight
Add caption
Colour Highlight
Add caption
Top, left to right - Original, faded and SX-70.

Middle, left to right - Summer, colourised and oversaturated.

Bottom, left to right - Yearbook and sepia.

Colour Highlight

Tinted Monochrome
Tinted Monochrome
Lens Effects
Lens Effects

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